Sakata Milagro F1, a Piel del Sapo melon adapted to very hot conditions

Vegetable varieties tailored to your needs

Access valuable information for growers, plant raisers, seed distributors, retailers, and processing companies and discover a wide range of top-quality vegetable varieties tailored to meet your specific needs and challenges.

A smallholder farmer happy with his improved cabbage yield

You are a smallholder farmer

Discover how Sakata can help smallholder farmers like you navigate challenges, increase yield, and secure your farm’s success.

You are a medium to large-scale farmer

Meet global demand for fresh produce with Sakata’s tailored solutions, designed to help you mitigate the risks and challenges of commercial vegetable production while maximising output and returns.

A large-scale farmer transplanting Sakata’s cauliflower to maximise productivity
A high-tech vegetable greenhouse grower

You are a high-tech greenhouse grower

Navigate the complexities of advanced greenhouse farming with Sakata’s specialised varieties.

You are a plant raiser

Facing challenges in your plant raising business? Sakata offers top-quality vegetable varieties tailored to help you manage risks.

A plant raiser holding a quality seedling in a greenhouse
A seed distributor selling Sakata’s vegetable hybrid seeds

You are a seed distributor

Elevate your business with Sakata’s diverse product range and valuable agronomic recommendations for successful variety positioning.

You are a retailer

Learn how Sakata can assist retailers in meeting consumer demands, cutting discard rates, and effectively preventing produce shortages.

Sakata’s long-lasting vegetable varieties for retailers
Sakata Berlin F1, big compact heads are ideal for the frozen market

You are a processing company

Explore a diverse selection of vegetable varieties that excel in quality, quantity, efficiency, and traceability. Sakata leads the industry with top-notch broccoli, squash, cauliflower, and more, setting new standards.

Want to know more about Sakata and its solutions?

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